Five spot burnet moth in tufted vetch greeting card
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Five-spot Burnet & Tufted vetch card

Five-spot Burnet moth greeting card This greeting card shows a repeating pattern of five spot burnet moths in a sea of tufted vetch.  Day flying five spot burnet moths can be seen flying in July and August in England and … Continued

£2.50 Add to basket
wading birds grey heron, great white egret, little egret & bittern greeting card
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A Siege card

Wading birds greeting card ‘A Siege’ greeting card showcases 4 wading birds in their wetland environment. This portrait design is of a grey heron, great white egret, little egret and bittern. A siege is a collective noun for a flock … Continued

£2.50 Add to basket
Portrait of 3 badgers greeting card
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Badgers card

Badgers greeting card Three individual badger portraits in a clan, the design displays a stylised vertical banding colour scheme showcasing the badger’s colouring of black, white and grey. The original artwork was a drawing of badger and this was subsequently … Continued

£2.50 Add to basket
Bumblebee portrait greeting card
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Bombus hortorum (Garden bumblebee) card

Garden bumblebee greeting card Bombus hortorum greeting cards is a portrait of a Garden bumblebee based on the original drawing by Courtenay Holden. This bumblebee image was also used on Bumblebees & Honeysuckle which is also available to purchase. Also … Continued

£2.50 Add to basket
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Banded Demoiselles with Froghoppers card

Banded Demoiselles with Froghoppers foil greeting card Banded Demoiselles with Froghoppers is a bright and attractive greeting card design showing banded demoiselles on water reeds with froghoppers in the background. Printed in ink and foil, the demoiselles shimmer when you … Continued

£2.75 Add to basket
Tree Bumblebees & garden bumblebees in honeysuckle greeting card
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Bumblebees & Honeysuckle card

Bumblebees & Honeysuckle greeting card This card features a repeated pattern of honeysuckle with tree bumblebees and garden bumblebees. Also available in the INVERTEBRATE card range : Damselfly Bombus hortorum Dragonfly Longhorn beetle, Stag beetle, Woodlouse & Damselfly Invertebrates Seven … Continued

£2.50 Add to basket
Bearded tit on a reed greeting card
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Bearded tit card

Bearded tit greeting card An elegant design of a Bearded tit on a water reed.  Also available in the BIRD card range : Golden Eagle Great Spotted Woodpeckers King of the Fishers Clowns of the Cliffs – Puffins A Siege … Continued

£2.50 Add to basket
Comma butterfly, brimstone butterfly & common blue butterfly greeting card
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Comma, Brimstone & Common blue card

Comma, Brimstone & Common blue butterfly greeting card Floating over a sea of scabious, an original watercolour painting of Comma butterfly, Brimstone butterfly & Common Blue butterfly that has been developed into this greeting card. Also available in the MOTH … Continued

£2.50 Add to basket
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Red-headed Cardinal beetles card

Red-headed Cardinal beetles foil greeting card Red-headed Cardinal beetles foil greeting card features cardinal beetles in a meadow flower background. The beetles are printed in foil and the red colouring overlaid on top which gives the beetles an iridescent reflection … Continued

Original price was: £2.75.Current price is: £2.00. Add to basket
Small copper butterfly & small tortoiseshell butterfly in daisy bush greeting card
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Small Copper & Small Tortoiseshell card

Small Copper & Small Tortoiseshell butterfly greeting card Features Small Copper butterfly & Small Tortoiseshell butterfly flying over a daisy plant. Also available in the MOTH & BUTTERFLY card range : Black and White Tigers Purple Hairstreak Butterflies Stained Glass … Continued

£2.50 Add to basket
thick-legged flower beetles in dandelions greeting card
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Dandy Beetles card

Thick-legged flower beetles foil greeting card Dandy Beetles is a design showcasing Thick-legged Flower beetles Oedemera nobilis aka Swollen-thighed Beetle and False Oil Beetle, on dandelions which have gone to seed….hence the name dandy beetles. Also available in the INVERTEBRATE … Continued

£2.75 Add to basket
damselfly portrait greeting card
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Damselfly card

Damselfly greeting card Damselfly greeting card showcases a portrait of a damselfly in intricate detail. This greeting card is based on an original pencil drawing of a damselfy by Courtenay Holden. The four drawings of invertebrates were subsequently framed, WOODLOUSE … Continued

£2.50 Add to basket
Hazel dormouse sleeping in oak leaves greeting card
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Hazel Dormouse (dark) card

Hazel Dormouse greeting card Hazel Dormouse card showcases a sleeping dormouse on a bed of oak and hazel leaves. The dark background makes the dormouse and the leaf pop out. Original artwork by Courtenay Holden. Also available in the MAMMAL … Continued

£2.50 Add to basket
Dragonfly portrait greeting card
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Dragonfly card

Dragonfly greeting card Dragonfly wildlife greeting card design is based on the original pencil drawing of a dragonfly in its intricate detail. Pencilwork by Courtenay Holden. Available to purchase in Dragonfly wall art print also. Also available in the INVERTEBRATE … Continued

£2.50 Add to basket
Pheasant, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Jay and Goldfinch feathers greeting card
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Parkland feathers card

Bird Feathers greeting card ‘Parkland feathers’ showcases in detail bird feathers of Pheasant, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Jay and Goldfinch, all which have been hand drawn in pencil. These birds are found in parkland habitats in the UK. Available as a … Continued

£2.50 Add to basket
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Golden Eagle card

Golden Eagle foil greeting card Golden Eagle in a classic portrait design. The design is such that the foil makes the feathers sparkle when you move the card. Also available in the BIRD card range : A Siege Bearded tit … Continued

£2.75 Add to basket